Whoever you are, wherever you're from, your experiences are unique. Your upbringing, your history and everything that has happened to you during your life has shaped you into the person you are. We never ask 'what is wrong with you?' but 'what has happened to you?' We will not judge you for anything you bring to therapy, and the space is confidential to use in any way that you find helpful.
You Me Us Counselling and Psychotherapy
“When you are in psychological distress and someone really hears you without passing judgement on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels damn good!” (Carl Rogers)
We are a team of counsellors/psychotherapists who believe that everyone has a story to tell, and a story worth hearing. Whether it is a problem you have battled with for years, or something that has cropped up recently, we are here to listen and support you to make the changes you need to feel better. There are three vital parts of this process:


All our counsellors have trained for at least 3 years on a course accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Ongoing membership of this organisation means that we are regularly supervised and are committed to continuing our professional development. We work humanistically, which means we will not give you advice or coaching but will support and enable you to find your own way forward when perhaps the route seems impassable. Most importantly we want to be there for you.

One of the most important elements of counselling is the relationship between the counsellor and the client (you). For effective counselling to take place it is really important that you feel comfortable with your counsellor. Trust may take some time to build, but as we go along, we will check in with you that you are content with our work together. The relationship is so important that we will offer a phone conversation prior to starting, so that you can ask questions and get a feel for whether you may be able to work with us.
Meet The Team

Nikki Dunne, York
Jo Harry, Ripon and York
Emma Tatnall, York